All about Public Private Partnership news and update in Indonesia is a blog that provides the latest information and knowledge on the development of infrastructure in Indonesia through public private partnership, also called "Kerjasama Pemerintah Swasta".
The government of Indonesia launched Public-Private Partnership (PPP) program in 2005 in order to facilitate investment in infrastructure sector. was launched on the July, 4 2012 which coincided with the launch of PPP Book 2012 issued by the National Development Planning Agency (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional)
This blog is designated as a medium to promote awareness in the development of infrastructure in Indonesia, as well as a forum of discussion amongst PPP practitioners, infrastructure specialist, legal experts, and general community. You are welcomed to take discussion anytime or just to put a comment in one of the news/articles.
I hope this blog can be a useful medium of information for all of us in order to progress the development of infrastructure in Indonesia.
Thank you & Best regards,
Regginaldo Sultan Tampubolon, SH.,MM
Another website powered by Regginaldo Sultan
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